Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dreams Do Come True

Nico Antonio: "The Man of the Hour" launched his first BTS photo beside the Eiffel Tower

Look at that cutie patootie smiling like an angel beside that cool art I made. I chose him as my model for some reasons. One is to make the tower more realistic and two is his just too cute that makes the background pretty amazing. That was a stolen shot, obviously cause his not looking at the camera but at least It turned out well.

When I was in high school I love to draw stuffs. Well it's my dream to become an architect but as we all know I don't even qualify being one by giving you some of my reasons: First I am lazy and second I AM TOO LAZY. Honestly I think I can push my dream to become a reality when I'm mature enough to do things and face it. I guess after I get a degree or experience something really hard that will shake-off my world. For now? I'd rather face the computer for 24 hours straight or blog non sense than do some calculus and never ending plates in one night. I'm not yet ready for those kind of sufferings, yeah I know I'm a coward and I couldn't agree more!!!

I was assigned to do the Eiffel tower for our role-play in one of my subjects and it's all about french literature. I cannot say NO to my loving groupmates cause they're my friends. DUH so I decided to sort things out and face reality... I did it. yeah you want proof? There you go

I started doing that as soon as I got the stuff from the book store. Then yesterday I bought some Popsicle sticks, one whole illustration board and black felt paper. I also needed some glue to stick them all together. 
I started doing the sketch  for the size and proportions around 5 p.m. yesterday. Then I got tired and pause at 9 p.m. continued it on the next day. But unfortunately we had to do some practices for the role-play so I needed to visit school to help them. After that I went home straight and continue with the Eiffel tower to finish it as soon as possible. I finished exactly at 7 p.m and it turned out great.