Saturday, July 27, 2013

Decay, Boracay

In 2010 I went to Boracay with my cousins but don't expect me to post a lot of pictures. I was kind of disappointed because it didn't meet my expectations like white sand beaches and clear water or even a CLEAN water. Anyway my point is it has changed a lot in negative way. Maybe its also because of the tourist like me who went there and just litter everywhere.

It's my dream to become a mermaid but of course I'm just kidding. I don;t know why I did that kind of pose but at least someone got me a decent picture to show you. Decent? Sorry you don't agree. I got that picture when we went island hopping to check if there are still remaining unpolluted islands left. Unfortunately there were few and luckily we saw them. You won't enjoy your stay if you didn't go island hopping because the water in the beach side stations are so polluted like trash are everywhere. Ewww

You can see those moss at our back and they're really gross. You could also see the water is not so clear. But still clean enough for us to experience it. Those three boys are my nephews from left to right is jasteen, Jumbelle and John john. I know they look old because they are. They're just calling me "tita" cause their moms are my cousins. Anyway back to bora thats all I can tell but to tell you its not bora's fault.

A picture of me talking to a random friend (Rhap) while weire on our way to station 2. The life jackets and my bag pack are match have you noticed? hahaha. I'm wearing my pink oakley shades from SM and my green tank top. MK leather watch with some nike glow-in-the-dark ballers on my other hand. Jnasport bag pack and the mint green polka pouch bag from egg,


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