Saturday, July 27, 2013

Just when I thought I found perfection, I found a flaw

I'm starting to love blogging and blogger for supporting me by satisfying my needs to blog. I really wanted to dissect every single piece of idea inside my head and expose it. 
Hey you guys, this is not my first time blogging. But I hope it'll work out for me this time cause I've been trying so hard to kill my boredom and use my IT skills. Can you guys help me out here? So first I'll start with introducing myself by posting a lame picture when I was 14. . .

There you go...I posted it to tell you that I'm not a poser or something AND I HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO READ MY BLOG. ENJOY!


  1. Wow! someone paid attention to this blog haha you've read it.. thank you sir! haha
