Monday, August 5, 2013

Let's turn back time and go to Corregidor!

When I was on my sophomore year we had a tour in Corregidor. A remote-island about 48 kilometers west of Manila which is strategically located at the entrance of Manila Bay. This island fortress stands as a memorial for the courage, valor, and heroism of its Filipino and American defenders who bravely held their ground against the overwhelming number of invading Japanese forces during World War II.

I didn't have a choice because one of my subjects required us to join the tour. No regrets I really had fun though. I grabbed the opportunity to took some beautiful shots of the old historical buildings. We had a lot of stopovers and luckily our tour guide was nice and let us stay a little longer every phase because they'll just give you like 5 minutes per phase. How the hell are we suppose to take a video for documentary purposes? We are required to shoot and explain the historical events happened in Corregidor.

While riding the mini open shuttle like van I saw this beach and I remember the tour guide telling us some random Filipino owns it not the government. He also added that there are sharks on that ocean. If it's that beautiful I won't mind if there were sharks. kidding. Corregidor really possess real nature kind treasure. Thankful that the Philippine government is taking good care of it.

I forgot the name of this building but the thing I remember about this is where the filipinos were locked up by the chinese soldiers and a lot of them died here. They didn't change anything or renovate it to maintain the historic aura of the building and it's surroundings.

Inside the museum of the Corregidor we took a couple of shots and I included some. Kinky right? After going to the museum we head straight to the big tunnel to watch a short presentation about corregidor and the events happened there.

It's not allowed to take pictures inside the tunnel but I can''t help myself. Badass huh? But inside the tunnel it was too cold and creepy. You can feel the thousands of soul died there. I'm not kidding. After watching the presentation it made things clearer to me now about what really happened to that historical place.

Oh hey there's this picture! I really love this shot but my block mates, they don't! They called it "bisaya pose" and I don't care. I made it my profile picture and cover photo. Who cares? I'm really a badass that day cause everyone on my course is wearing blue I was the only one wearing red stripes fred perry shirt cause I have a sense of fashion. Seriously I had a bad taste back then cause I decided to wear Nike hyperdunks. Doesn't look good eh?

Oh boy they really serve delicious dishes for lunch. And to think it's buffet style get all you want. I really had a good lunch, enjoyed it so much. I like their seafood paella, lasagna and the one time only drink, gulaman I think?

If you want to experience eat I experienced visit Corregidor ang go on a vacation
Here's the link that can help you
They offer good vacation pakcges / tour packages


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