Sunday, August 18, 2013

All is well, all is well, all is well

If you are going through a rough path, do not forget everything can change with in a single snap.

Currently, I'm quiet, reserved and self-assured. I know what I need to do and how to do it. I have the energy it takes to see this project through to the end, and I know it's going to shine once it's completed. Of course, I have no problem bragging about my abilities -- that is, if someone asks. But until then, I'll just keep moving steadily forward toward the success that you know is yours.

I'm feeling stress-free these past few days. It started when my dad cooked/prepared my breakfast last Thursday. My dark lonely world turned upside down. I really had goose bumps! I felt really ecstatic cause I thought I was still dreaming but when I started smelling the loafs and eating the omelet I'm pretty sure I'm wide awake eating breakfast. It was a sunny Thursday morning and it's quite a experience cause I preferred sleeping on the sofa than uncomfortably rolling on the bed. I recalled pops asking my morning class schedule. He asked me twice and when I said why? At first it's a total nada but when he hits the second he offered me a ride. I felt like dying cause everything was too perfect at that moment. But I didn't ruined it. It turned out gracefully well.

Tomorrow it's Monday again. My schedule is pretty tight. I'm asking for God's guidance tomorrow. In every decision I'm gonna make I hope His always beside me. Well I have faith, nothing to worry.

Something I learned in life Confucius is damn right. Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you. And fear karma, If you did good to her it will bounce back but if you tried doing bad things, don't expect something good in return.

Every dark tunnel has light in the end of it. You just have to keep walking and never look back.


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