Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Philippine Team Wins 2013 PYRONALE held in Berlin, Germany

This is the Dragon Fireworks (Philippines) performance. it’s long but I was amazed at how eclectic and creative it was! (I would never have thought to use tinikling music for fireworks, but they made it work) The video is long but really worth the watch. Feel your chest swell with Filipino-pride! It was mind-blowing and shows that Filipinos can compete at an international level and win!
If you don’t have time to watch the entire thing at least watch the last 4 minutes, where in the colors of the Philippines light up the sky and make for a breathtaking and dramatic end!
Just to give you an idea of how many people were there, this was our view in Tribune 2. There were many other tribunes and so many people in the standing only portion as well. Everyone was having a great time eating and drinking beers. There is also a special section for those who are on wheelchairs so the organisers had accessibility in mind as well. What a fun thing to do with entire family – young and old!


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