Saturday, October 26, 2013

Toys For Big Boys: A Brief and Unorthodox Review of the Ford Mustang Shelby GT500


ford-mustang-shelby-gt500-review-11A recent trip to New York City to speak at the Drones & Aerial Robotics Conference (DARC) at NYU Law regarding aerial photography and common practices was accompanied by the chance to drive the Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. It is such a powerful car that I ended up with a herniated disc. In all fairness, it might have been the years of skateboarding in combination with living a very abusive lifestyle, however, this thing is a monster. If you decide to pick one up, I suggest a model two or three years older which now goes for between 30 and 40 thousand dollars. All things considered, it’s probably the best bargain to power ratio out there, delivering 662 horsepower. The only problem is once you drive it, it’s very hard to go back to driving anything else. Another thing is, it’s really only feasible to drive one in the U.S. where refueling the car runs around 50 bucks for super premium.

Socially, it’s definitely a people’s car. Everyone from the gone-but-not-forgotten Joe the Plumber to the second-generation Asian college guy loves this thing. It’s often overlooked how much it helps to have the public on the same page. With Lambos and Buggatis, for instance, there are so many preconceived notions about the driver that the slightest fuck-up classifies you as a grade-A douche. Not so with the GT500. People applaud slight proletarian engine revving with an “I wish I had that” look.


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