Charlie Hunnam Taking Christian Grey Role "Very Seriously," Intends to "Look Good in Those Suits"
Charlie Hunnam wants to reassure Fifty Shades of Grey fans that he's ready to temporarily take off his leather cut and rock a silver tie.
Just over a month ago, the Sons of Anarchystar swooped in under everyone's radar and landed the leading role of Christian Grey in the highly anticipated adaptation of E.L. James' erotica novel, and although he may not have been the front-runner—or in the running at all—for some readers (many were eyeing Matt Bomer and Ian Somerhalder), Hunnam is confident he'll do the character justice.
"There are so many fans of that book and I know that on the surface, I'm probably not what everybody imagined," the actor told Entertainment Weekly. "Because reading is so personal and people bring a character to life in their imagination, they feel ownership over that character."
The blue-eyed hunk continued, "That's daunting if I allowed myself to think about it too much. I'm taking it very seriously and intend to explore the nature of who this character is, what motivates him—and also dress up nice and look good in those suits." (Looking good in the suits, or anything for that matter, won't be an issue, darlin'.)
A couple of his FX costars also spoke out about Charlie's upcoming project, and have nothing but faith that Hunnam will bring it home.
"When he told me that it was happening or that he was considering, it I just howled. I mean I think we all did. We're all like, what?" Maggie Siff, the lucky lady that gets to play his wife Tara on the TV series, said.
"And then talked to him seriously about it. I think he's very brave to it. He doesn't do anything unless he feels it deep down. He's not going to do something because all of his agents are telling him to do something. That's what makes me think it stands a chance of being really, really great. If he has that conviction going in, then you know it'll be great."
Katey Sagal, who plays Hunnam's mother Gemma, echoed Siff's sentiments.
"I'm really proud of him," she told EW. "The choice was not an obvious one for him. But for good or bad, he will throw himself 100 percent in. I don't know if I want to see all that, but maybe," while her husband and SOA creator Kurt Sutter added, "We're thrilled for Charlie. He works hard, constantly challenges himself and his craft. He is a star, in all the right ways."
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