Friday, November 29, 2013

To Text Or Not To Text: The Times You Have To Pick Up The Phone

To Text Or Not To Text: The Times You Have To Pick Up The Phone
Relationships are inherently confusing — and with the increased saturation of technology in the world around us, it has only become more confusing. Texting is extremely easy, but it’s also impersonal, which is basically the opposite of what a relationship is supposed to be.
Texting is simple and straightforward, which, contrarily, are characteristics that should be present in relationships. Where do you draw the line when deciding between a phone call and texting?
How many times have you gotten angry at a partner for texting something that you believed warranted a phone call? How many times have you suffered from what is perhaps the worst aspect of texting your significant other: misunderstanding.
Unfortunately, there is no font for sarcasm. Messages get misconstrued and misinterpreted more often than not. These misunderstandings can cause unnecessary drama and tension in a relationship, so it would seem obvious in cases such as these that it would be more beneficial simply to pick up the phone.
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Their product offers you the option to customize your cell phone any way you want. You can choose the front, back, and accent colors, as well as memory, wallpapers, and even a personal engraving. The phone you want when you’re deciding the proper time to either text or talk. Make your cell phone customized and see how things will change.
When is it appropriate to text and when is it appropriate to make a call? Different situations merit different choices. We’re here to help you out. Let’s take a look at five scenarios in which you should send a text and five scenarios in which you should pick up the phone.
When picking up the phone is essential…

1. You’re in a fight


This is perhaps the number one time you need to communicate voice to voice. This is where most misunderstandings occur and, honestly, it’s just much more efficient. You can accomplish in a two minute phone call what would take two hours over a texting conversation.

2. Acknowledging an anniversary


Milestones are personal and so are phone calls, so until you are united in person, the best way to express yourself is over the phone. You can text too, but make sure you pick up that phone first.

3. Knowing the other person is pissed/annoyed at you


Maybe you aren’t in an outright argument, but if you know your partner is annoyed with you, bothering him or her with an incessant flow of text messages is just going to make your partner more annoyed. Squash the beef as effectively and efficiently as you can.

4. Trying to meet up when you’re intoxicated

Trying to meet up is difficult enough, but when you’re drunk — it’s a whole different story. People switch their destinations too frequently to communicate over a text message. Save yourself and your partner the hassle and just pick up the phone.

5. When your partner needs a pep talk


Your partner is your support system and you need to be his or hers too. When your partner is feeling down, it’s your job to make him or her feel better. Show a genuine effort and make sure your partner knows he or she is important enough to you to have a lengthy phone call.
When texting will suffice…

1. Sending photos


A picture is worth a thousand words… and you can express these words through a text message when you send your partner a picture.

2. Running late


Clearly you’re too rushed to just make a phone call. A quick and simple, “I’ll be right there, running late” will get your point across without putting you in the position for a longer conversation. Also, this gives you an excuse for not answering the follow up question.

3. Sexting


Is further explanation really necessary?

4. Checking in


Your partner is going to worry about you when you’re traveling. Just letting him or her know you have arrived to your destination safe and sound is enough. A simple text will more than serve this purpose.

5. Picking a restaurant for dinner


This is perhaps the most difficult task in a relationship. (No? Maybe it’s just me?) Instead of going back and forth, bantering phrases like, “I don’t care, you pick,” think about your options and relay them to your partner. No one is going to want to have an unnecessarily long texting conversation.
Top Photo Courtesy: We Heart It


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