Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chris Hemsworth: Give Scarlett Johansson Her Own Superhero Movie—Right Now!

Scarlett Johansson, Black Widow, AvengersMarvel/Disney Enterprises
Move over, Superman! Get out of the way, Iron Man! Scram, Batman!
It's time for a female superhero movie!
But who should it be?
What better place to get some suggestions than at this week's Hollywood premiere of Thor: The Dark World.
"I'd live to see a Black Widow movie," Thor star Chris Hemsworth said, referring to the kick ass S.H.I.E.L.D agent played by Scarlett Johansson in the Avengersmovies. "I think it will [happen]. It has to. We'll rally for it. We'll get it started."
Thor's Loki, Tom Hiddleston, agreed. "That would be amazing," he said. "Scarlett would really bring the thunder on that."
No surprise, but Wonder Woman was also a popular suggestion.
And then there were a couple of unexpected picks. "I think Silver Sable could be really cool," Zachary Levi said. "Unfortunately, there isn't a giant built-in audience for that because Silver Sable was sort of a smaller comic. But I think it could be one that people could really enjoy."

"She-Hulk!" Kat Dennings said. "She-Hulk is pretty amazing.
"There are so many fantastic female superheroes to choose from," she said. "It is time and I'm sure it's already in the pipeline."
"I would really like to see it happen," Jaimie Alexander said. "I think there's a need for it. I think young women would like to look up to somebody strong and not have the movie dominated by a male character."
Alan Taylor, director of Thor: The Dark World, thinks a female superhero movie is "coming very soon."
He said, "I have two daughters. They love these movies but they should really have someone they could relate to."
Silver SableMarvel
Now we want to hear from you. Which female superhero would you like to see kick ass in their own movie? Leave your suggestions and comments below.


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