Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hypocritical, Much? McDonald’s Tells Its Own Employees To Not Eat Fast Food Because It’s Bad For Them

Hypocritical, Much? McDonald’s Tells Its Own Employees To Not Eat Fast Food Because It’s Bad For Them
“McResource Line” — the financial advice site exclusively for McDonald’s employees — has so far only issued the most hypocritical and ignorant contingency tips imaginable.
After advising workers to sell their belongings for quick cash and to get a second job, the site is now recommending that McDonald’s employees lay off fast food because it turns out you’ll probably die much younger than expected if you eat too much of it.
According to CNBC, an image posted on the site labels a McDonald’s meal of a hamburger, fries and a coke as an “unhealthy choice” and condemns eating similar meals because they are “almost always high in calories, fat, sugar and salt.”
So instead of eating fast-food, the site says employees should “eat at places that offer a variety of salads, soups and vegetables.”
The hypocrisy of this advice is obvious considering fast-food is far less expensive than healthier food, which McDonald’s workers have difficulty affording since they get paid so poorly.
When CNBC brought this issue up to the franchise, McDonald’s issued a statement saying the website’s tips “continue to be taken entirely out of context.”
“It is hard to eat a healthy diet when you eat at fast-food restaurants often,” the site says.“Many foods are cooked with a lot of fat, even if they are not trans fats. Many fast-food restaurants do not offer any lower-fat foods. Large portions also make it easy to overeat. And most fast food restaurants do not offer many fresh fruits and vegetables.”


Via: CNBC, Top Photo Courtesy: We Heart It


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