Thursday, December 12, 2013

Woman Wearing ‘Convincing’ Diaper Strapped With 2.5KG Of Cocaine Receives 2-Year Prison Sentence

Woman Wearing ‘Convincing’ Diaper Strapped With 2.5KG Of Cocaine Receives 2-Year Prison Sentence
If you’re looking for ways to smuggle drugs into the country, scratch wearing a cocaine-filled diaper off the list, as two women unsuccessfully tried to do this earlier this year. Now, one of them has been sentenced for her actions.
Michelle Blassingale was busted at JFK International Airport in Queens, New York, on January 26 with over 2.5 kilograms of cocaine in a duct tape-sealed diaper she was wearing.
Alongside her partner in crime, Priscilla Pena, Blessingale boarded a Jet Blue flight wearing the cocaine diaper from the Dominican Republic to New York, where drug-sniffing dogs caught a whiff of her diaper.
The two women were detained after Customs and Border Protection officers observed Blassingale “walked away with an awkward gait,” and subjected them to strip searches.
Blassingale told Federal Judge Sandra Townes that overwhelming bills and her unemployed status made her do the desperate job for a mere $9,000.
“I felt this was the only way to resolve all these issues,” she said.
“Unfortunately, it led me to where I am here today. You shouldn’t look for the easiest way out.”
Blassingale was sentenced to two years in prison.
Via: NY Daily News, Top Photo Courtesy:  U. S. Customs & Border Protection


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