Friday, December 13, 2013

Security Camera Catches Worst Friend-Zoning Incident Known To Mankind (Video)

It’s bad enough to ever get put in the friend-zone, but it’s even worse when it gets caught on camera and then makes its way to the Internet.
Meet Bob (made up name), a nice guy walking a girl home after a night out. Thinking he’s got it in the bag, Bob pushes Sandy’s (made up name) hair back and attempts to go in for a kiss. The result? REJECTED! Not only does he get the X, but he then has to give her the awkward hug goodbye. Someone just got served a tall glass of “I’m never gonna f*ck you.”
The best part about the entire situation is how he stands and ponders what just happened after she closes the door on him. If we could only hear his inner monologue…FML.


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