Friday, December 13, 2013

This Random Dude Snuck His Way Ringside And Into The Ring During The Manny Pacquiao Fight (Video)

Scumbagging your way into events is one of the most important skills anyone needs to acquire to get anywhere in life.
But one man, simply known as Donnie, took it to the next level after somehow sneaking into the Manny Pacquiaovs. Brandon Rios fight in Macao while wearing an all-green Larry Bird ”suisy” (a jersey suit) and walking around like he owned the place.
Donnie recorded his entire adventure and posted it to show us all that literally anything is possible.
After getting past the first round of security, Donnie stormed right in and went straight to the ringside. He picked out some awesome seats conveniently located behind the ring girls and next to Pacquiao’s family.
After the fight, Donnie said f*ck it, and just entered into the ring. From the looks of it, he might’ve taken one of the ring girls home, as well. To say that this man is a legend is a gross understatement. That means something, especially considering that he’s a Celtics fan.
This just goes to show you, scumbagging can take you far in life and bring you to heights you’ve never even imagined. Everybody be like this guy!


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