Friday, December 6, 2013

President Obama Isn’t Allowed To Use The iPhone Because It Isn’t Secure Enough

President Obama Isn’t Allowed To Use The iPhone Because It Isn’t Secure Enough
Apparently Apple’s security isn’t quite up to par. The Secret Service forbids Obama from using the premier smartphone, which he told people at an Affordable Care Act awareness event.
“I’m not allowed for security reasons to have an iPhone” Obama
He has been photographed using Macbooks and iPads in the past, so the ban does not extend to all Apple products. The President’s phone of choice is a 2007 Blackberry, a company much more trusted by Federal clandestine agencies.
The Reuters coverage of this story had a couple fascinating nuggets of information. Obama said that only about 10 people have his personal email address, but that is enough for him to need a smartphone.
Their report also shared that former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both did not send any emails during their presidencies.
H/T: Reuters, Top Photo Credit: Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images


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