Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What’s Wrong With People? For Some Reason, The Internet Is Bashing Lorde’s Asian Boyfriend

What’s Wrong With People? For Some Reason, The Internet Is Bashing Lorde’s Asian Boyfriend
It’s no surprise how ruthless and ignorant people can be behind a computer screen. This isn’t just an issue that prepubescent teenagers face in middle school, but in the celebrity world as well.
The Internet has been flooded with nasty and pretty racist remarks involving Lorde and her Asian boyfriend, James Lowe.
The immense success this 17-year-old has had is not preventing any of these vicious, personal attacks. She’s young and in love, and just trying to live her life the way she pleases.
Check out some of the horrible things people are saying about the couple on Twitter.

Apparently the reason for all of this backlash is that Lorde “called” One Direction members ugly. This is evidently false and was just something One Direction fans created for attention. I’m not sure how this even warrants a racist outcry, but people on the Internet are obnoxiously cruel.
Who cares that this is Lorde’s boyfriend? Instead of mocking her, why not support her for not being as shallow as the rest of you people?
Top Photo Courtesy: Instagram


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